Sunday, November 8, 2015

Strawberry and Banana Overnight Oats

I've been reading about Overnight Oats for awhile and I finally tried it out.  I wish I tried it sooner because it's SOOOOO sooooo good.  A good read about Overnight Oats is on the Food Network website, Healthy Eats.  It discusses the following topics:
  •  where to store your overnight oats
  •  the base, which is oats/banana, and chia seeds
  •  the liquid, which can be dairy or non-dairy
  •  the ratio of all the ingredients in your overnight oats with respect to the container you are using
  •  finally the mix-ins: the fruits, nuts, seeds, granola, etc.. 
It discusses topics one should know to ensure your own overnight oats is a success.  I advise you to read the ratio portion because it will vary depending on the container you use.

My son absolutely LOVE Overnight Oats.  I was a bit surprise  because my son will not eat warm oatmeal for breakfast, even if I add fruits to it.  For some reason, when it's serve cold he thinks its a special dessert.

Ingredients (Measurements may vary depending on container used)

  • 1/2 cup rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup of liquid of your choice (I use almond milk vanilla flavor unsweetened)
  • 1 tablespoon of vanilla yogurt (depend how thick you want your overnight oats, you can always add more right before eating)
  • 1 teaspoon of chia seeds 
  • 1/4 banana, mashed (I skipped this cuz I didn't want to be eating brown bananas, instead I added the banana's right before eating)   
  •  4 pcs of strawberries, chopped
  • dark chocolate chips (optional)
  • honey (optional, for added sweetness - I don't like honey in mine)


  • Add the desired based ingredients to your container.  In this case, this would be the oats, yogurt, and chia seeds.
  • Add your liquid to your base, I used almond milk vanilla flavor
  • Add your strawberries
  • In the morning you can add additional liquid or toppings you like.  I like adding the bananas in the morning to avoid eating brown bananas.  Before you eat your overnight oats mix it well and enjoy!

Things your little one can do

  • They can make their own overnight oats in their own cup or container
  • They can add their own base ingredients, liquid, followed by the mix-ins of their choice

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