
What is Nom Nom Box?

Nom Nom Box was created by two busy moms who want to share recipes and tidbits to make packing lunches & snacks a fun activity for both kids and parents.

Every recipe and tidbit posted on the site has been approved by their own kids!   One way to keep kids off the i-pad or television is to bring them in the kitchen.  Have them help you out in the kitchen either by making their after school snacks, preparing lunches, or even dinner!

By having kids learn what to do and what not to do in the kitchen, they increase their sense of awareness and safety in the kitchen.  They also learn to become more independent  preparing food for themselves.  They get to learn about different types of food,  ways to cook or bake, and of course learn new yummy recipes.

As a parent you can make it a fun way to teach your child  how to count, measure, read...the list is endless.  It all starts with you and a little creativity!  Just remember it's all about having fun and spending quality time with your kid(s)!

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